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Waycross Focused Core Equity Fund (WAYFX)
Fund Overview
The Waycross Focused Core Equity Fund (WAYFX) seeks capital appreciation over a full market cycle, which the Fund defines as a sustained upswing in equity markets followed by a pullback and recovery.
Investment Approach
Fundamental analysis using the Waycross Key Factor Approach, which keeps us focused on only the most critical drivers to a company's earnings.
Combine bottom-up company research with a comprehensive examination of stock valuation and market sentiment.
Invests in long equity positions from a universe of approximately 300 U.S. publicly traded companies with a market cap above $5 billion.
Concentrated, high-conviction portfolio typically consisting of 25-35 holdings.
Fund Managers
Regulatory Documents
Our Strategies
Who We Serve
Waycross is dedicated to offering institutional-level service and communication to all our clients. We are committed to putting clients' alpha first, and our experienced relationship management team provides an industry-leading experience to each of our clients and partners.
“One thing that I like about Core investing is that you are not stuck in one style or the other… I like that ability to rotate through growth and value stocks and have the opportunity to invest where we see the best opportunities for our clients.”